OAC Venture
Company Name
Company Email
Contact Website URL
Where is the company based?
What country/countries does your business operate in?
Sector of the Company
What is your company's elevator pitch?
For the problem you have identified, please select the option that describes it best.
There is no evidence that this problem exists
We have clear evidence that this problem exists
We have clear evidence that this problem exists and can demonstrate
For your proposed solution, please select the option that describes it best.
There are many other solutions with the same model
This is a feature of someone else’s product or a tool
The solution is disruptive and very unique
How it works? How would you describe the function and design of your solution?
It's currently a "concept on a napkin".
We can explain the production process of the solution clearly.
We can demonstrate the function and design to show that it works perfectly.
How would you describe your market potential / market size?
We have a great launch feature but the market and customer need a c
It’s a good market but no longer growing
We know both our market (large and growing) and our customer (personal)
Go-to-market strategy. Do you have a clear view on how to acquire customers?
No clear strategy on how to move into the market identified
Clear strategy on how to move into these markets
Clear strategy on how to move into these markets and also have calcula
Please tell us how your business makes money.
We’ve created value for our product but haven’t captured payment for the value created
We have a high transaction or high margin
We have recurring revenue subscriptions and combination business models (e.g. transaction fee + subscription)
Please state whether your business model is B2C/B2B /B2B2C/B2G or Other.
What are some of the major milestones you have achieved since starting your company (revenue, clients, users, products, etc.)?
What does the competition look like? Why is your solution better?
No competition.
We are a little late to market but against lethargic competitors in this category
We know our direct competitors and substitution products. We can clearly explain how our product differs and how we can defend our position in the long run.
How refined is your financial plan?
We don't have detailed revenue calculation linked to market assumptions but know our cash need.
We know our cash need with two scenarios linked to market assumption over the span of two years.
We know our cash need aided by clear market assumptions and can show
What characterizes your founder team best?
I'm a single founder.
Our expertise is centered around our product but are lacking in marketing, sales or finance roles.
In our founder team we have people with expertise in marketing & sales, finance and product development.
Applicant’s full name
Applicant’s position in the company
Other Team Members (Name, Position, LinkedIn)
At Ortus Africa Ventures, representation is important to us. We'd love to know more about the team genders.
The team is wholly comprised of females
The team includes at least one female founder
The team is wholly comprised of males
Why are you the right team to build this company?
When did you start working on your company?
Upload a pitch deck, business plan or executive summary (less than 5 MBs in size) PDF
Which of the below best describes the stage your company is currently at?
Idea/Pre-Seed stage
Seed stage
Early stage
Later stage
Mezzanine/Growth stage
Development/Distress stage
Have you previously raised funding for this company?
Link to your pitch deck to augment the information provided thus far. The document must be externally hosted, using a service such as Google Drive or DocSend Please ensure the link is not password protected.
Were you referred to [Ortus Africa Ventures] by somebody? If yes, by who?
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